Articles of Faith According to W. Deen Mohammed
This book is the first in a series called the Madh'hab Series. It is an effort to help define the distinguishing marks of the School of Thought of Imam W. Deen Mohammed and the community that identifies with his leadership. This book covers the Articles of Faith in Al-Islam based upon the perspective of the language and logic of Imam W. Deen Mohammed. Topics Include: Who We Are, the beliefs in Allah, the Creator, the Angels, the Prophets and the Books, how we approach the Sunnah, the Day of Judgement or Religion, the Qadr and Created Things as the Words of Allah.
- Introducing Who We Are
- We are Humans
- We are Muslims
- We Embrace Al-Islam as Our Religion
- We are Many Ethnic Groups
- We are Americans
- A Very Brief History
- ........ Master Fard Muhammad
- ........ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
- ........ Imam Warith Deen Mohammed
- ........ The Community of Imam W. Deen Mohammed
- The Articles of Faith
- What is Different About This Book?
- 1. We Believe in Allah (G-d) as Creator of all things
- ........ not Jesus, Fard Muhammad or any other created thing
- ........Jesus is not G-D
- ........Fard Muhammad is not G-D
- 2. We Believe in the Angels
- ........ but we understand angels differently
- 3,4. We Believe in the Books and the Prophets
- ........ those named in the Qur’an and those not named
- ........ We Believe in Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah
- ........ as the last prophet, but not the last messenger
- ........ The Earth is Inspired
- ........ A Message From the Earth
- ........ We Follow the Uswah & the Sunnah
- ........ The Sunnah
- ........ The Uswah
- 5. We Believe in the Day of Judgment
- ........ but in this life, the future life and in the final day
- ........ Judgment Day in This Life
- ........ Day of Judgment or Day of Religion?
- ........ The Day of Religion
- 6. We Believe in the Qadr
- ........ not the Qadr of Allah, but the Qadr of created things
- ........ Why Bad Things Happen to Good People
- 7. We Believe All Created Things are the Words of Allah
- ........ everything in the skies, the earth and in between
- Imam Mohammed as One of the Uluul-Baab